I have just started learning Code Igniter .
I want to know how can I pass a variable from one controller(first_cont.php) to other controller (second_cont.php) ?
In Codeigniter there are many way to pass the value from one controller to other.
You can use codeigniter Session to pass the data from one controller to another controller.
For that you have to first include the library for session
Then You can set the flash data value using variable name.
// Set flash data
$this->session->set_flashdata('variable_name', 'Value');
Them you can get the value where you want by using the codeigniter session flashdata
// Get flash data
Second Option codeigniter allow you to redirect the url from controll with controller name, method name and value and then you can get the value in another controller.
// Passing the value
Then you can get the value in another controller
public function method_name($variable)
echo $variable;
That all....