I want to check what type of operating system i use and what kind of processor. this should be check on run time. i tried using
Retrieving OS info:
var wmi =
new ManagementObjectSearcher( "select * from Win32_OperatingSystem" )
OS.Name = ((string)wmi["Caption"]).Trim();
OS.Version = (string)wmi["Version"];
OS.MaxProcessCount = (uint)wmi["MaxNumberOfProcesses"];
OS.MaxProcessRAM = (ulong)wmi["MaxProcessMemorySize"];
OS.Architecture = (string)wmi["OSArchitecture"];
OS.SerialNumber = (string)wmi["SerialNumber"];
OS.Build = ((string)wmi["BuildNumber"]).ToUint();
Retrieving CPU info:
var cpu =
new ManagementObjectSearcher( "select * from Win32_Processor" )
CPU.ID = (string)cpu["ProcessorId"];
CPU.Socket = (string)cpu["SocketDesignation"];
CPU.Name = (string)cpu["Name"];
CPU.Description = (string)cpu["Caption"];
CPU.AddressWidth = (ushort)cpu["AddressWidth"];
CPU.DataWidth = (ushort)cpu["DataWidth"];
CPU.Architecture = (CPU.CpuArchitecture)(ushort)cpu["Architecture"];
CPU.SpeedMHz = (uint)cpu["MaxClockSpeed"];
CPU.BusSpeedMHz = (uint)cpu["ExtClock"];
CPU.L2Cache = (uint)cpu["L2CacheSize"] * (ulong)1024;
CPU.L3Cache = (uint)cpu["L3CacheSize"] * (ulong)1024;
CPU.Cores = (uint)cpu["NumberOfCores"];
CPU.Threads = (uint)cpu["NumberOfLogicalProcessors"];
CPU.Name =
.Replace( "(TM)", "™" )
.Replace( "(tm)", "™" )
.Replace( "(R)", "®" )
.Replace( "(r)", "®" )
.Replace( "(C)", "©" )
.Replace( "(c)", "©" )
.Replace( " ", " " )
.Replace( " ", " " );