I know how to write Meteor packages but I can\'t seem to figure out how to have all exports land in my app\'s namespace, as described in this presentation.
This particul
All properties that you register in your app namespace are made available for the packages that depend on (use) your app-package. So, when you want to register a package namespace in an app-namespace, you declare the dependency on the app-package within your package and you register all of the methods/objects you want to export in the app-namespace. An example:
file: packages/myapp/namespace.js
MyApp = {};
file: packages/myapp/package.js
Package.on_use(function (api, where) {
], ['client', 'server']);
api.export("MyApp", ['client', 'server']);
file: packages/myapp-module1/logic.js
packageSpecificMethod = function(){}
moduleOne = {};
//you can export an module-specific namespace by registering it in the app-namespace
MyApp.module1 = moduleOne;
//or you can (if you dont want package-namespaces) register you private methods in the app-namespace directly
MyApp.exportedMethod = packageSpecificMethod;
file: packages/myapp-module1/package.js
Package.on_use(function (api, where) {
], ['client', 'server']);
], ['client', 'server']);