According to,
If the second argument is omitted, the super object returned is unbound.
Other answers (answer, answer) for your question already explained the meaning of the words bound / unbound.
So my focus is to explain only the use of an unbound proxy object returned from the
function (i.e. in the case it was used only with 1 argument).
The reason for obtaining an unbound object is to bind it later.
Particularly, for the unbound object returned from the super()
function you may bind it to an appropriate object using its __get__()
method, e.g.
super(C).__get__(c) # where C is a class and c is an object
To illustrate it, let's create 3 dependent classes and 3 objects - one for every class:
class A:
def __init__(self, name): = name
def message(self, source):
print(f"From: {source}, class: A, object: {}")
class B(A):
def __init__(self, name): = name
def message(self, source):
print(f"From: {source}, class: B, object: {}")
class C(B):
def __init__(self, name): = name
def message(self, source):
print(f"From: {source}, class: C, object: {}")
a = A("a")
b = B("b")
c = C("c")
Now in the interactive console, at first for understanding things:
>>> super(B) # unbounded (note 'None')
>>> super(B).__get__(b) # bounded to object b (note address)
>>> b # note: the same address
'<__main__.B at 0xa9bdac0>
then — to show results of using different combinations of classes / objects
(in our case for delegating the method .message()
>>> super(B).__get__(b).message("super(B)")
From: super(B), class: A, object: b
>>> super(C).__get__(c).message("super(C)")
From: super(C), class: B, object: c
>>> super(B).__get__(c).message("super(C)")
From: super(C), class: A, object: c
and finally examples for binding and unbound proxy to appropriate classes:
>>> = "Class A" # Preparing for it -
>>> = "Class B" # creating some class attributes
>>> super(B).__get__(B).name # Proxy super(B) bounded to class B
'Class A'
>>> super(B).__get__(C).name # Proxy super(B) bounded to class C
'Class A'
>>> super(C).__get__(C).name # Proxy super(C) bounded to class C
'Class B'