When a user clicks in an input field or textarea, the application zooms in. Is there a simple way to disable it?
Currently have the meta tag:
meta name=\
In WebViewClassic.java, displaySoftKeyboard zooms in and pans if the actual scale is less than the default scale. There is a field in the WebWiew.class mDefaultScale float the source code shows that when you display softkeyboard the mActualScale will change.
So making sure that mActualScale is >= mDefaultScale should prevent the panning and rescaling. (Below is source code for WebView.java from the grepcode site -- which is no longer running.)
private void displaySoftKeyboard(boolean isTextView) {
InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager)
if (isTextView) {
if (mWebTextView == null) return;
imm.showSoftInput(mWebTextView, 0);
if (mActualScale < mDefaultScale) {
// bring it back to the default scale so that user can enter
// text.
mInZoomOverview = false;
mZoomCenterX = mLastTouchX;
mZoomCenterY = mLastTouchY;
// do not change text wrap scale so that there is no reflow
setNewZoomScale(mDefaultScale, false, false);
else { // used by plugins
imm.showSoftInput(this, 0);
Code from googleSource--WebViewClassic.java in frameworks/base/core/java/android/webkit/WebViewClassic.java (for JellyBean api 17) shows similar functionality:
* Called in response to a message from webkit telling us that the soft
* keyboard should be launched.
private void displaySoftKeyboard(boolean isTextView) {
InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager)
// bring it back to the default level scale so that user can enter text
boolean zoom = mZoomManager.getScale() < mZoomManager.getDefaultScale();
if (zoom) {
mZoomManager.setZoomCenter(mLastTouchX, mLastTouchY);
mZoomManager.setZoomScale(mZoomManager.getDefaultScale(), false);
// Used by plugins and contentEditable.
// Also used if the navigation cache is out of date, and
// does not recognize that a textfield is in focus. In that
// case, use WebView as the targeted view.
// see http://b/issue?id=2457459
imm.showSoftInput(mWebView, 0);