For my assignment, I am to do a encode and decode for huffman trees. I have a problem creating my tree, and I am stuck.
Don\'t mind the print statements - they are just
One more solution returning a dictionary {label:code}
and a recursive dictionary tree
containing the resulting graph. The input vals
is in form of dictionary {label:freq}
def assign_code(nodes, label, result, prefix = ''):
childs = nodes[label]
tree = {}
if len(childs) == 2:
tree['0'] = assign_code(nodes, childs[0], result, prefix+'0')
tree['1'] = assign_code(nodes, childs[1], result, prefix+'1')
return tree
result[label] = prefix
return label
def Huffman_code(_vals):
vals = _vals.copy()
nodes = {}
for n in vals.keys(): # leafs initialization
nodes[n] = []
while len(vals) > 1: # binary tree creation
s_vals = sorted(vals.items(), key=lambda x:x[1])
a1 = s_vals[0][0]
a2 = s_vals[1][0]
vals[a1+a2] = vals.pop(a1) + vals.pop(a2)
nodes[a1+a2] = [a1, a2]
code = {}
root = a1+a2
tree = {}
tree = assign_code(nodes, root, code) # assignment of the code for the given binary tree
return code, tree
This can be used as:
freq = [
(8.167, 'a'), (1.492, 'b'), (2.782, 'c'), (4.253, 'd'),
(12.702, 'e'),(2.228, 'f'), (2.015, 'g'), (6.094, 'h'),
(6.966, 'i'), (0.153, 'j'), (0.747, 'k'), (4.025, 'l'),
(2.406, 'm'), (6.749, 'n'), (7.507, 'o'), (1.929, 'p'),
(0.095, 'q'), (5.987, 'r'), (6.327, 's'), (9.056, 't'),
(2.758, 'u'), (1.037, 'v'), (2.365, 'w'), (0.150, 'x'),
(1.974, 'y'), (0.074, 'z') ]
vals = {l:v for (v,l) in freq}
code, tree = Huffman_code(vals)
text = 'hello' # text to encode
encoded = ''.join([code[t] for t in text])
print('Encoded text:',encoded)
decoded = []
i = 0
while i < len(encoded): # decoding using the binary graph
ch = encoded[i]
act = tree[ch]
while not isinstance(act, str):
i += 1
ch = encoded[i]
act = act[ch]
i += 1
print('Decoded text:',''.join(decoded))
One can visualize the tree with Graphviz as:
The figure was generated by the following script as (Graphviz is needed):
def draw_tree(tree, prefix = ''):
if isinstance(tree, str):
descr = 'N%s [label="%s:%s", fontcolor=blue, fontsize=16, width=2, shape=box];\n'%(prefix, tree, prefix)
else: # Node description
descr = 'N%s [label="%s"];\n'%(prefix, prefix)
for child in tree.keys():
descr += draw_tree(tree[child], prefix = prefix+child)
descr += 'N%s -> N%s;\n'%(prefix,prefix+child)
return descr
import subprocess
with open('','w') as f:
f.write('digraph G {\n')
f.write('}')'dot -Tpng -o graph.png', shell=True)