I have added RecyclerView
inside my NestedScrollView
. Basically I want RecyclerView to scroll with other Views. The problem that I am facing is that fo
The problem as said above is because RecyclerView as a child or subChild in NestedScrollView measures its height as infinitive when you use WRAP_CONTENT or MATCH_PARENT for height of RecyclerView.
one solution that solved this problem for me was setting the RecyclerView Height to a fixed size. you could set height to a dp value, or you could set it to a pixel value matching devices height if your requirements needs a vertical infinitive RecyclerView.
here is a snippet for setting the recyclerView size in kotlin
val params = recyclerView.layoutParams
params.apply {
width = context.resources.displayMetrics.widthPixels
height = context.resources.displayMetrics.heightPixels
recyclerView.layoutParams = params