I have found that boost::signals2 uses sort of a lazy deletion of connected slots, which makes it difficult to use connections as something that manages lifetimes of objects. I
Is the behaviour any more strict with a scoped_connection?
So, rather than:
void Execute() {
m_WorkerConnection = m_MyWorker.OnWorkDone.connect(boost::bind
(&Command::Handle_OnWorkComplete, shared_from_this());
// launch asynchronous work here and return
boost::signals2::connection m_WorkerConnection;
Instead using:
void Execute() {
boost::signals2::scoped_connection m_WorkerConnection
(&Command::Handle_OnWorkComplete, shared_from_this()));
// launch asynchronous work here and return
} // connection falls out of scope
(copy-constructed from a boost::signals2::connection
I've not used any sort of signalling so it's more of a guess than anything else, but following Execute()
you wouldn't need to disconnect()
, since scoped_connection handles it for you. That's more of a 'simplify the design' rather than actually solving your problem. But it may mean that you can Execute()
and then immediately ~Command()
(or delete
the shared_ptr).
Hope that helps.
EDIT: And by Execute()
then immediately ~Command()
I obviously mean from outside your Command object. When you construct the Command to execute it, you should then be able to say:
delete cmd;
Or similar.