Without using Heapster is there any way to collect like CPU or Disk metrics about a node within a Kubernetes cluster?
How does Heapster even collect those metrics in the
Kubernetes monitoring is detailed in the documentation here, but that mostly covers tools using heapster.
Node-specific information is exposed through the cAdvisor UI which can be accessed on port 4194 (see the commands below to access this through the proxy API).
Heapster queries the kubelet for stats served at
(other endpoints can be found in the code here).
Try this:
$ kubectl proxy &
Starting to serve on
$ NODE=$(kubectl get nodes -o=jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
$ curl -X "POST" -d '{"containerName":"/","subcontainers":true,"num_stats":1}' localhost:8001/api/v1/proxy/nodes/${NODE}:10255/stats/container
Note that these endpoints are not documented as they are intended for internal use (and debugging), and may change in the future (we eventually want to offer a more stable versioned endpoint).
As of Kubernetes version 1.2, the Kubelet exports a "summary" API that aggregates stats from all Pods:
$ kubectl proxy &
Starting to serve on
$ NODE=$(kubectl get nodes -o=jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
$ curl localhost:8001/api/v1/proxy/nodes/${NODE}:10255/stats/summary