What data access architectures are available that I can use with Raven DB?
Basically, I want to separate persistence via interfaces, so I don\'t expose underline storage
Personally, I'm not really experienced with the Command Pattern. I saw that it was used in Rob Ashton's excellent tutorial.
For myself, I'm going to try using the following :-
So when i wish to get any data from RavenDB (the persistence source), i'll use Services, which will then call the appropriate repository. This way, i'm not exposing the repository to the Application nor is the repository very heavy or complex -> it's basically a FindAll / Save / Delete.
public SomeController(IUserService userService, ILoggingService loggingService)
UserService = userService;
LoggingService = loggingService;
public ActionMethod Index()
// Find all active users, page 1 and 15 records.
var users = UserService.FindWithIsActive(1, 15);
return View(new IndexViewModel(users));
public class UserService : IUserService
public UserService(IGenericReposistory userRepository,
ILoggingService loggingService)
Repository = userRepository;
LoggingService = loggingService;
public IEnumberable FindWithIsActive(int page, int count)
// Note: Repository.Find() returns an IQueryable in this case.
// Think of it as a SELECT * FROM User table, if it was an RDMBS.
return Repository.Find()
So that's a very simple and contrived example with no error/validation checking, try/catch, etc... .. and it's pseudo code .. but you can see how the services are rich while the repository is (suppose to be, for me at least) simple or lighter. And then I only expose any data via services.
That's what I do right now with .NET
and Entity Framework
and I'm literally hours away from giving this a go with RavenDb