According to the sysobjects documentation, sysobjects.xtype
can be one of these object types:
| xtype |
There is this
FROM master..spt_values
WHERE type = 'O9T'
AF: aggregate function
AP: application
C : check cns
D : default (maybe cns)
EN: event notification
F : foreign key cns
FN: scalar function
FS: assembly scalar function
FT: assembly table function
IF: inline function
IS: inline scalar function
IT: internal table
L : log
P : stored procedure
PC : assembly stored procedure
PK: primary key cns
R : rule
RF: replication filter proc
S : system table
SN: synonym
SQ: queue
TA: assembly trigger
TF: table function
TR: trigger
U : user table
UQ: unique key cns
V : view
X : extended stored proc
sysobjects.type, reports