I want to save bitmap without transparent area.
Bitmap has large transparent pixel.
So i want to remove that
How can i do this?
I cant add pictur
I took @Alvaro Menezes's answer and improved it as a Kotlin extension function. I tweaked it a bit, changed some variable names for better readability and it adds more fixes to the issue mentioned by @Ahamadullah Saikat that throws an IllegalArgumentException
Note that reading pixels by line improve a lot the performances against reading this independently as the accepted answer suggest.
* Trims a bitmap borders of a given color.
fun Bitmap.trim(@ColorInt color: Int = Color.TRANSPARENT): Bitmap {
var top = height
var bottom = 0
var right = width
var left = 0
var colored = IntArray(width, { color })
var buffer = IntArray(width)
for (y in bottom until top) {
getPixels(buffer, 0, width, 0, y, width, 1)
if (!Arrays.equals(colored, buffer)) {
bottom = y
for (y in top - 1 downTo bottom) {
getPixels(buffer, 0, width, 0, y, width, 1)
if (!Arrays.equals(colored, buffer)) {
top = y
val heightRemaining = top - bottom
colored = IntArray(heightRemaining, { color })
buffer = IntArray(heightRemaining)
for (x in left until right) {
getPixels(buffer, 0, 1, x, bottom, 1, heightRemaining)
if (!Arrays.equals(colored, buffer)) {
left = x
for (x in right - 1 downTo left) {
getPixels(buffer, 0, 1, x, bottom, 1, heightRemaining)
if (!Arrays.equals(colored, buffer)) {
right = x
return Bitmap.createBitmap(this, left, bottom, right - left, top - bottom)