I have a large data file consisting of a single line of text. The format resembles
Cat 14 Dog 15 Horse 16
I\'d eventually like to get
Method 1: (extracting from long vector with seq()
> inp <- scan(textConnection("Cat 14 Dog 15 Horse 16"), what="character")
Read 6 items
> data.frame(animal = inp[seq(1,length(inp), by=2)],
numbers =as.numeric(inp[seq(2,length(inp), by=2)]))
animal numbers
1 Cat 14
2 Dog 15
3 Horse 16
Method 2: (using the "what" argument to scan to greater effect)
> inp <- data.frame(scan(textConnection("Cat 14 Dog 15 Horse 16"),
what=list("character", "numeric")))
Read 3 records
> names(inp) <- c("animals", "numbers")
> inp
animals numbers
1 Cat 14
2 Dog 15
3 Horse 16
This is a refinement of the Method 2: (was worried about possibility of very long column names in the result from scan() so I read the help page again and added names to the what argument values:
inp <- data.frame(scan(textConnection("Cat 14 Dog 15 Horse 16"),
what=list( animals="character",
Read 3 records
> inp
animals numbers
1 Cat 14
2 Dog 15
3 Horse 16