I\'m just starting to learn how to work with zeromq libraries and using them in different C++ projects. The sample code that I wrote (actually copied from there tutorials)is thi
A cmake config file has been added to libzmq github repository Jan 7, 2017 here.
This is not included in the latest release (4.2.1) yet, but I belive it should be in the next release.
I have installed the head version using cmake and then installed cppzmq, which uses find_package(ZeroMQ REQUIRED)
to locate libzmq. All worked like a charm.
EDIT: The cmake config file is included in release 4.2.2 here. Then it was moved to directory builds/cmake
at release 4.2.4. I didn't test it again but find_package(ZeroMQ REQUIRED)
should just work since ibzmq 4.2.2.