Since Google App Engine doesn\'t permit joins, does this mean that I have to take all of the tables in my web app and figure out a way of combining them into a single huge table
If you are looking for way's to design the datatable. I'd recommend you do a bit of research before you start the work. There are pretty magical properties for Google App Engine like :
That would be very helpful in your design. I've shared my experience here.
To learn about scale-ability there is an exclusive free course in Udacity here just on the topic. It's taught by the founder of and he clearly explains the whole scaling things happening in reddit, one of the sites with the highest number of visitors. He shows the entire course demo implementation in gae (and that was a jackpot for me!). They offer the entire course videos free to download here . I've been toiling hard with app engine before I got these resources. So I thought sharing this might help other who are stepping the foot in waters.