On our sign-up form, we validates_uniqueness_of :email
When the a user is attempting to use our sign up form and they specify an existing email address, I\'
If you're using 2.3.x, replace your call to error_messages
with your own helper, written in UsersHelper. It should accept the FormBuilder or an ActiveRecord object and adjust the error message as you see fit. You could make as many customizations as you like, or it could be as simple as a gsub:
def user_error_messages(f)
find_error = "This email address is already in use."
replacement = "This email address is already in use. #{link_to(...)} to reset your password"
f.error_messages.sub(find_error, replacement).html_safe
If you're using Rails3, make a helper method to simply process @user.errors.full_messages
before they're emitted to the view.