We\'re building a Gmail Add-On however we wish to show a different card on depending on some business logic when the add-on\'s onTriggerFunction
is called. This wor
There are a couple ways you can reload the UI of a card. Both of them have to happen in an ActionResponse.
The first is if you want to reload the current card as the result of some state change caused by a user action:
function buildCounterCard() {
const card = CardService.newCardBuilder().setName('Counter');
const count = CountApi.get(); // Or however you get this data
const countWidget = CardService.newKeyValue().setTopLabel('Current Count').setContent(`${count}`);
const incrementAction = CardService.newAction().setFunctionName('handleIncrement');
const incrementButton = CardService.newTextButton().setText('Increment').setOnClickAction(incrementAction);
const section = CardService.newCardSection().addWidget(countWidget).addWidget(incrementButton);
return card.build();
function handleIncrement() {
const actionResponse = CardService.newActionResponseBuilder();
CountApi.update(); // Or however you update the data
const nav = CardService.newNavigation().updateCard(buildCounterCard());
return actionResponse.build();
The only other way I've found so far is to update the previous card in the Navigation stack. Imagine the following scenario:
The action handler for that button could look something like this:
function handleBackClick(event) {
const actionResponse = CardService.newActionResponseBuilder();
clearPreviousCardState() // Otherwise the user sees the same data they filled out previously when they go back to the form
const nav = CardService.newNavigation()
return actionResponse.build();
For whatever reason this works, but updating multiple cards by chaining navigation steps along with updateCard()
does not.
Seems like these are the only options right now. I find it pretty crazy that there's a Linear Optimization Service, but not a way to reload the UI. A commenter mentioned ActionResponseBuilder.setStateChanged(true)
, which sounds like what we want based on the documentation, but in my experience, it does absolutely nothing.