I\'m trying to export a repo list and it always returns me information about the 1rst page. I could extend the number of items per page using URL+\"?per_page=100\" but it\'s not
First you use
this will give you the number of pages the repository has, similar to below
; rel="next",
; rel="last"
from this you can see that currently we are on first page of repo, rel='next' says that the next page is 2, and rel='last' tells us that your last page is 8.
After knowing the number of pages to traverse through,you just need to use '=' for page number while getting request and change the while loop until the last page number, not len(repo) as it will return you 100 each time. for e.g
while i <= 8:
r = requests.get('https://api.github.com/orgs/xxxx/repos?page={0}&type=all'.format(i),
auth=('My_user', 'My_passwd'))
repo = r.json()
for j in repo:
i = i + 1