I\'m having trouble figuring out an error message in Python.
yesterday, I\'ve installed python using the latest EPD package, and wxPython2.9 using the wxPython2.9-osx-co
I'm using Ubuntu 13.10, Canopy 1.2, and PyCharm 3.0.2. When trying to use matlablib, it always complains "Matplotlib backend_wx and backend_wxagg require wxPython >=2.8".Pretty sure that I'm using wxPython 2.8. Then I tried all the methods described in this page, but neither of them works for me.
It turns out that it can be solved by modifying matplotlibrc file. There is a line:
backend : WXAgg
In fact we can change the backend to whatever we like, and I change it to TKAgg, which works just fine for me.