Using dplyr to summarise a dataset, I want to call n_distinct to count the number of unique occurrences in a column. However, I also want to do another summarise() for all uniqu
This produces the distinct A counts by each value of B using dplyr.
a %>%
group_by(B) %>%
summarise(count = n_distinct(A))
This produces the result:
Source: local data frame [2 x 2]
B count
(fctr) (int)
1 N 1
2 Y 2
To produce the desired output added above using dplyr, you can do the following:
a %>% summarise(count_all = n_distinct(A), count_BisY = length(unique(A[B == 'Y'])))
This produces the result:
count_all count_BisY
1 3 2