i have tried to delete a single ManuscriptItem instance using Postman to perform my API requests on against the view below:
class ManuscriptViewSet(viewsets.Mode
The issue here is that you send DELETE
request to the wrong url. Look at the DefaultRouter docs. It generates automatically your urls within your viewset
Look closely at the DELETE
method. It is on the {prefix}/{lookup}/[.format]
url pattern. This means that your corresponding router url is manuscripts/
, but you try to send DELETE
request to manuscripts/
only, which is the above pattern. You see directly from the table that the allowed HTTP methods there are GET
and POST
only. That's why you receive MethodNotAllowed
The solution to your problem is not to pass the manuscript_id
as a JSON body of the request
"manuscript": 7,
But to pass it directly to the url:
And you just register your viewset like:
router.register(r'manuscripts', ManuscriptViewSet.as_view(), name='manuscripts')
As you see, DRF generates the urls automatically for you.