I have a versioned bucket and would like to delete the object (and all of its versions) from the bucket. However, when I try to delete the object from the console, S3 simply add
This post was super helpful without this we would have spent tremendous amount of time cleaning up our S3 folders.
We had a requirement to clean up specific folders only. So I tried the following code and it worked like a charm. Also note that I am iterating through the 10 times to delete more than 1000 objects limit that function has. Feel free to modify the limit as you wish.
import boto3
session = boto3.Session(aws_access_key_id='',aws_secret_access_key='')
bucket_name = ''
object_name = ''
s3 = session.client('s3')
for i in range(10):
versions = s3.list_object_versions (Bucket = bucket_name, Prefix = object_name)
#print (versions)
version_list = versions.get('Versions')
for version in version_list:
keyName = version.get('Key')
versionId = version.get('VersionId')
print (keyName + ':' + versionId)
s3.delete_object(Bucket = bucket_name, Key= keyName, VersionId = versionId)
marker_list = versions.get('DeleteMarkers')
for marker in marker_list:
keyName1 = marker.get('Key')
versionId1 = marker.get('VersionId')
print (keyName1 + ':' + versionId1)
s3.delete_object(Bucket = bucket_name, Key= keyName1, VersionId = versionId1)