I tried to make a yii project for testing by executing
/var/www/html/yii/framework/yiic webapp demo
and when I go to localhost/demo I get en er
That should work... so maybe also try setting your Apache user (usually 'www-data') as the owner of /runtime
? Something like:
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/demo/protected/runtime
Could be an Apache umask
issue also. Check out the Yii forum, which has helpful posts like this one: http://www.yiiframework.com/forum/index.php?/topic/19400-question-about-directoryfile-permissions/
You should NOT have to set your whole project to 777, that is very insecure. I think /assets
and /protected/runtime
are the only directories that need write permissions (775).