I\'m trying to get the HTML of a selected object with jQuery. I am aware of the .html()
function; the issue is that I need the HTML including the selected obje
I have made this simple test with outerHTML being tokimon solution (without clone), and outerHTML2 being jessica solution (clone)
var html = $("").outerHTML();
var html = $("").outerHTML2();
and the result in my chromium (Version 20.0.1132.57 (0)) browser was
outerHTML: 81ms
outerHTML2: 439ms
but if we use tokimon solution without the native outerHTML function (which is now supported in probably almost every browser)
we get
outerHTML: 594ms
outerHTML2: 332ms
and there are gonna be more loops and elements in real world examples, so the perfect combination would be
$.fn.outerHTML = function()
$t = $(this);
if( "outerHTML" in $t[0] ) return $t[0].outerHTML;
else return $t.clone().wrap('').parent().html();
so clone method is actually faster than wrap/unwrap method
(jquery 1.7.2)