i\'ve been messing around with ruby and opengl for entertainment purposes, and i decided to write some 3d vector/plane/etc classes to pretty up some of the math.
Using coerce is a MUCH better approach than monkey-patching a core class:
class Vec3
attr_accessor :x,:y,:z
def *(a)
if a.is_a?(Numeric) #multiply by scalar
return Vec3.new(@x*a, @y*a, @z*a)
elsif a.is_a?(Vec3) #dot product
return @x*a.x + @y*a.y + @z*a.z
def coerce(other)
return self, other
if you define v as v = Vec3.new
then the following will work: v * 5
and 5 * v
The first element returned by coerce (self) becomes the new receiver for the operation, and the second element (other) becomes the parameter, so 5 * v
is exactly equivalent to v * 5