I recently started using electron. I have successfully completed the 1st phase by creating a hello world app (included files index.html, main.js, package.json). Now I am trying
If you have installed it locally with:
npm install electron-packager
Then, it's not gonna work, install it globally as a cli:
npm install -g electron-packager
You can also get it through:
"node_modules/electron-packager/cli.js" . --all --asar
After All, if you don't get it working, install electron-packager. Then, go to your package.json. And beneath your start scripts. Make another string named "build" and give it a value of the electron-packager command you want to run:
"scripts": {
"start": "electron .",
"build": "electron-packager . --asar --all"
Then, go in command prompt or terminal or bash. Then, type:
npm run build