I am writing a back-end in Django for a mobile app I am creating. I need to authenticate a user the first time they open the mobile app through SMS to verify it is a real person
Disclaimer: I'm the maintainer of Django-phone-verify
What you're looking to accomplish is very easy with django-phone-verify app. It comes with Twilio already integrated and few endpoints which you can extend as per your use case.
This package aims at verifying if a phone number requested by a particular client belongs to them. It also takes care of ensuring that the same device provides the verification of passcode which intially requested a passcode to be sent, saving you a few hours of work.
This package also doesn't messes up with your current user model at all. You're free to use this package exactly for one thing: verifying phone numbers
. Whether you do it for users, companies, etc. depends on your use-case.
It follows Unix philosphy of Do one thing; do it well
pip install django-phone-verify
# In settings.py:
file: # Settings for phone_verify
'BACKEND': 'phone_verify.backends.twilio.TwilioBackend',
'SID': 'fake',
'SECRET': 'fake',
'FROM': '+14755292729'
'MESSAGE': 'Welcome to {app}! Please use security code {otp} to proceed.',
'APP_NAME': 'Phone Verify',
'OTP_EXPIRATION_TIME': 3600 # In seconds only
python manage.py migrate
You get two endpoints (Check API docs), one for registration of phone number and other to verify the passcode. You may override verify endpoint to also create a user as described in the usage docs: https://github.com/CuriousLearner/django-phone-verify/blob/master/docs/usage.rst