I used SQL Server 2005 for my small web application. I Want pass parameters to SP . But there is one condition. number of parameter that can be change time to time. Think ,this
You declare the procedure with default parameters and you invoke it with named parameters instead of positional parameters:
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_myProcedure
@name varchar(100) = '',
@surname varchar(100) = '',
@address varchar(100) = ''
to invoke it from T-SQL:
exec usp_myProcedure @name='John', @surname = 'Doe';
exec usp_myProcedure @name='Jane', @address = '123 Anystreet';
To invoke it from C#:
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand('usp_MyProcedure', ...);
cmd.CommandType = commandtype.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue('@name', 'John');
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue('@surname', 'Doe');