How to style a checkbox using CSS

前端 未结 30 3590
日久生厌 2020-11-21 04:26

I am trying to style a checkbox using the following:

  •  猫巷女王i
    2020-11-21 05:14

    Yikes! All these workarounds have led me to the conclusion that the HTML checkbox kind of sucks if you want to style it.

    As a forewarning, this isn't a CSS implementation. I just thought I'd share the workaround I came up with in case anyone else might find it useful.

    I used the HTML5 canvas element.

    The upside to this is that you don't have to use external images and can probably save some bandwidth.

    The downside is that if a browser for some reason can't render it correctly, then there's no fallback. Though whether this remains an issue in 2017 is debatable.


    I found the old code quite ugly, so I decided to give it a rewrite.

    Object.prototype.create = function(args){
        var retobj = Object.create(this);
        retobj.constructor(args || null);
        return retobj;
    var Checkbox = Object.seal({
        width: 0,
        height: 0,
        state: 0,
        document: null,
        parent: null,
        canvas: null,
        ctx: null,
         * args:
         * name      default             desc.
         * width     15                  width
         * height    15                  height
         * document  window.document     explicit document reference
         * target    this.document.body  target element to insert checkbox into
        constructor: function(args){
            if(args === null)
                args = {};
            this.width = args.width || 15;
            this.height = args.height || 15;
            this.document = args.document || window.document;
            this.parent = || this.document.body;
            this.canvas = this.document.createElement("canvas");
            this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
            this.canvas.width = this.width;
            this.canvas.height = this.height;
            this.canvas.addEventListener("click", this.ev_click(this), false);
        ev_click: function(self){
            return function(unused){
                self.state = !self.state;
        draw_rect: function(color, offset){
            this.ctx.fillStyle = color;
            this.ctx.fillRect(offset, offset,
                    this.width - offset * 2, this.height - offset * 2);
        draw: function(){
            this.draw_rect("#CCCCCC", 0);
            this.draw_rect("#FFFFFF", 1);
                this.draw_rect("#000000", 2);
        is_checked: function(){
            return !!this.state;

    Here's a working demo.

    The new version uses prototypes and differential inheritance to create an efficient system for creating checkboxes. To create a checkbox:

    var my_checkbox = Checkbox.create();

    This will immediately add the checkbox to the DOM and hook up the events. To query whether a checkbox is checked:

    my_checkbox.is_checked(); // True if checked, else false

    Also important to note is that I got rid of the loop.

    Update 2

    Something I neglected to mention in the last update is that using the canvas has more advantages than just making a checkbox that looks however you want it to look. You could also create multi-state checkboxes, if you wanted to.

    Object.prototype.create = function(args){
        var retobj = Object.create(this);
        retobj.constructor(args || null);
        return retobj;
    Object.prototype.extend = function(newobj){
        var oldobj = Object.create(this);
        for(prop in newobj)
            oldobj[prop] = newobj[prop];
        return Object.seal(oldobj);
    var Checkbox = Object.seal({
        width: 0,
        height: 0,
        state: 0,
        document: null,
        parent: null,
        canvas: null,
        ctx: null,
         * args:
         * name      default             desc.
         * width     15                  width
         * height    15                  height
         * document  window.document     explicit document reference
         * target    this.document.body  target element to insert checkbox into
        constructor: function(args){
            if(args === null)
                args = {};
            this.width = args.width || 15;
            this.height = args.height || 15;
            this.document = args.document || window.document;
            this.parent = || this.document.body;
            this.canvas = this.document.createElement("canvas");
            this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
            this.canvas.width = this.width;
            this.canvas.height = this.height;
            this.canvas.addEventListener("click", this.ev_click(this), false);
        ev_click: function(self){
            return function(unused){
                self.state = !self.state;
        draw_rect: function(color, offsetx, offsety){
            this.ctx.fillStyle = color;
            this.ctx.fillRect(offsetx, offsety,
                    this.width - offsetx * 2, this.height - offsety * 2);
        draw: function(){
            this.draw_rect("#CCCCCC", 0, 0);
            this.draw_rect("#FFFFFF", 1, 1);
        draw_state: function(){
                this.draw_rect("#000000", 2, 2);
        is_checked: function(){
            return this.state == 1;
    var Checkbox3 = Checkbox.extend({
        ev_click: function(self){
            return function(unused){
                self.state = (self.state + 1) % 3;
        draw_state: function(){
                this.draw_rect("#000000", 2, 2);
                this.draw_rect("#000000", 2, (this.height - 2) / 2);
        is_partial: function(){
            return this.state == 2;

    I modified slightly the Checkbox used in the last snippet so that it is more generic, making it possible to "extend" it with a checkbox that has 3 states. Here's a demo. As you can see, it already has more functionality than the built-in checkbox.

    Something to consider when you're choosing between JavaScript and CSS.

    Old, poorly-designed code

    Working Demo

    First, set up a canvas

    var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
        ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'),
        checked = 0; // The state of the checkbox
    canvas.width = canvas.height = 15; // Set the width and height of the canvas
    document.body.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' Togglable Option'));

    Next, devise a way to have the canvas update itself.

    (function loop(){
      // Draws a border
      ctx.fillStyle = '#ccc';
      ctx.fillStyle = '#fff';
      ctx.fillRect(1, 1, 13, 13);
      // Fills in canvas if checked
        ctx.fillStyle = '#000';
        ctx.fillRect(2, 2, 11, 11);
      setTimeout(loop, 1000/10); // Refresh 10 times per second

    The last part is to make it interactive. Luckily, it's pretty simple:

    canvas.onclick = function(){
      checked = !checked;

    This is where you might have problems in IE, due to their weird event handling model in JavaScript.

    I hope this helps someone; it definitely suited my needs.
