I have an asynchronous control-flow like the following:
ActorA ! DoA(dataA, callback1, callbackOnErrorA)
def callback1() = {
ActorB ! DoB(dataB, callbac
I like to use scalaz.concurrent.Promise
. This example isn't exactly like the one in your question, but it gives you the idea.
object Async extends Application {
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
import concurrent._
import concurrent.strategy._
import java.util.concurrent.{ExecutorService, Executors}
case class ResultA(resultb: ResultB, resulta: ResultC)
case class ResultB()
case class ResultC()
def run {
implicit val executor: ExecutorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(8)
import Executor.strategy
val promiseA = doA
println("waiting for results")
val a: ResultA = promiseA.get
println("got " + a)
def doA(implicit s: Strategy[Unit]): Promise[ResultA] = {
println("triggered A")
val b = doB
val c = doC
for {bb <- b; cc <- c} yield ResultA(bb, cc)
def doB(implicit s: Strategy[Unit]): Promise[ResultB] = {
println("triggered B")
promise { Thread.sleep(1000); println("returning B"); ResultB() }
def doC(implicit s: Strategy[Unit]): Promise[ResultC] = {
println("triggered C")
promise { Thread.sleep(1000); println("returning C"); ResultC() }
triggered A
triggered B
triggered C
waiting for results
returning B
returning C
got ResultA(ResultB(),ResultC())
You'll find an introduction to Scalaz concurrency in this presentation from Runar.
This approach isn't as flexible as Actors, but composes better and can't deadlock.