I must be missing something obvious here but ...
UIControl has a method
- (void)addTarget:(id)target action:(SEL)action forControlEvents: (UIControlEven
I encountered the same problem, and came up with a solution. It's not amazingly pretty, but it works quite well. It is a UIControl category that stores the last UIControlEvent fired to its own tag property. You can get it from the link below. For further reference, here's the doc from my category, for a more detailed description of what's going on.
Hopefully this helps! Cheers/J
git gist at: http://gist.github.com/513796
PROBLEM: upon firing, UIControlEvents are not passed into the target action assigned to the particular event. This would be useful in order to have only one action that switches based on the UIControlEvent fired.
SOLUTION: add a way to store the UIControlEvent triggered in the UIEvent.
PROBLEM: But we cannot override private APIs, so: (WORSE) SOLUTION: have the UIControl store the UIControlEvent last fired.
The UIControl documentation states that:
When a user touches the control in a way that corresponds to one or more specified events, UIControl sends itself sendActionsForControlEvents:. This results in UIControl sending the action to UIApplication in a sendAction:to:from:forEvent: message.
One would think that sendActionsForControlEvents: can be overridden (or subclassed) to store the flag, but it is not so. It seems that sendActionsForControlEvents: is mainly there for clients to trigger events programatically.
Instead, I had to set up a scheme that registers an action for each control event that one wants to track. I decided not to track all the events (or in all UIControls) for performance and ease of use.
On UIControl setup:
UIControlEvents capture = UIControlEventTouchDown;
capture |= UIControlEventTouchDown;
capture |= UIControlEventTouchUpInside;
capture |= UIControlEventTouchUpOutside;
[myControl captureEvents:capture];
[myControl addTarget:self action:@selector(touch:) forControlEvents:capture];
And the target action:
- (void) touch:(UIControl *)sender {
UIColor *color = [UIColor clearColor];
switch (sender.tag) {
case UIControlEventTouchDown: color = [UIColor redColor]; break;
case UIControlEventTouchUpInside: color = [UIColor blueColor]; break;
case UIControlEventTouchUpOutside: color = [UIColor redColor]; break;
sender.backgroundColor = color;