What I want to do seems pretty simple, but I can\'t find any answers on the web. I have an NSMutableArray
of objects, and let\'s say they are \'Person\' objects
Swift version: 5.1
If you have a custom struct or class and want to sort them arbitrarily, you should call sort() using a trailing closure that sorts on a field you specify. Here's an example using an array of custom structs that sorts on a particular property:
struct User {
var firstName: String
var users = [
User(firstName: "Jemima"),
User(firstName: "Peter"),
User(firstName: "David"),
User(firstName: "Kelly"),
User(firstName: "Isabella")
users.sort {
$0.firstName < $1.firstName
If you want to return a sorted array rather than sort it in place, use sorted() like this:
let sortedUsers = users.sorted {
$0.firstName < $1.firstName