As an excuse to learn C#, I have been trying to code a simple project: creating audio files. To start, I want to make sure that I can write files that meet the WAVE format. I ha
I lack the proper WAV data, but try replacing the part of your code where you generate the header with this code (replace appropriately):
wr.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("fmt "));
wr.Write(18 + (int)(numsamples * samplelength));
wr.Write((short)1); // Encoding
wr.Write((short)numchannels); // Channels
wr.Write((int)(samplerate)); // Sample rate
wr.Write((int)(samplerate * samplelength * numchannels)); // Average bytes per second
wr.Write((short)(samplelength * numchannels)); // block align
wr.Write((short)(8 * samplelength)); // bits per sample
wr.Write((short)(numsamples * samplelength)); // Extra size