I am trying mock sql syntax to build a simple sql like interface to a key-value storage. The values are essentially POJOs
An example would be
select A.B.
You can do this much like how I demonstrated in my blog posts (and since I know you read those, I won't go in much detail). The only difference in this case is that each of your rows of data has its own scope. An easy way to pass this scope along is by providing it as a parameter to the eval(...)
Below is a quick demo of how this could be implemented. Note that I quickly hacked this together based on my blog posts: not all functionality is available (see the many TODO
's, and there are likely (small) bugs in it as well. Use at your own risk!).
Besides ANTLR v3.3, you need the following 3 files for this demo:
grammar Select;
options {
tokens {
// imaginary tokens
// literal tokens
Eq = '=';
NEq = '!=';
LT = '<';
LTEq = '<=';
GT = '>';
GTEq = '>=';
Minus = '-';
Not = '!';
Select = 'select';
From = 'from';
Where = 'where';
And = 'AND';
Or = 'OR';
: select_stat EOF -> ^(ROOT select_stat)
: Select attr_list From Id where_stat ';' -> ^(Select attr_list Id where_stat)
: Id (',' Id)* -> ^(ATTR_LIST Id+)
: Where expr -> expr
| -> ^(Eq Int["1"] Int["1"])
// no 'where', insert '1=1' which is always true
: or_expr
: and_expr (Or^ and_expr)*
: eq_expr (And^ eq_expr)*
: rel_expr ((Eq | NEq)^ rel_expr)*
: unary_expr ((LT | LTEq | GT | GTEq)^ unary_expr)?
: Minus atom -> ^(UNARY_MINUS atom)
| Not atom -> ^(Not atom)
| atom
: Str
| Int
| Id
| '(' expr ')' -> expr
Id : ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_') ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' | Digit)*;
Str : '\'' ('\'\'' | ~('\'' | '\r' | '\n'))* '\''
// strip the surrounding quotes and replace '' with '
setText($text.substring(1, $text.length() - 1).replace("''", "'"));
Int : Digit+;
Space : (' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n') {skip();};
fragment Digit : '0'..'9';
tree grammar SelectWalker;
options {
@header {
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
@members {
private Map> dataPool;
public SelectWalker(CommonTreeNodeStream nodes, Map> data) {
dataPool = data;
query returns [List> result]
: ^(ROOT select_stat) {$result = (List>)$select_stat.node.eval(null);}
select_stat returns [Node node]
: ^(Select attr_list Id expr)
{$node = new SelectNode($attr_list.attributes, dataPool.get($Id.text), $expr.node);}
attr_list returns [List attributes]
@init{$attributes = new ArrayList();}
: ^(ATTR_LIST (Id {$attributes.add($Id.text);})+)
expr returns [Node node]
: ^(Or a=expr b=expr) {$node = null; /* TODO */}
| ^(And a=expr b=expr) {$node = new AndNode($a.node, $b.node);}
| ^(Eq a=expr b=expr) {$node = new EqNode($a.node, $b.node);}
| ^(NEq a=expr b=expr) {$node = new NEqNode($a.node, $b.node);}
| ^(LT a=expr b=expr) {$node = null; /* TODO */}
| ^(LTEq a=expr b=expr) {$node = null; /* TODO */}
| ^(GT a=expr b=expr) {$node = new GTNode($a.node, $b.node);}
| ^(GTEq a=expr b=expr) {$node = null; /* TODO */}
| ^(UNARY_MINUS a=expr) {$node = null; /* TODO */}
| ^(Not a=expr) {$node = null; /* TODO */}
| Str {$node = new AtomNode($Str.text);}
| Int {$node = new AtomNode(Integer.valueOf($Int.text));}
| Id {$node = new IdNode($Id.text);}
(yes, stick all these Java classes in the same file: Main.java
import org.antlr.runtime.*;
import org.antlr.runtime.tree.*;
import org.antlr.stringtemplate.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
static Map> getData() {
Map> map = new HashMap>();
List data = new ArrayList();
data.add(new B("id_1", 345, "89", "abd"));
data.add(new B("id_2", 45, "89", "abd"));
data.add(new B("id_3", 1, "89", "abd"));
data.add(new B("id_4", 45, "8", "abd"));
data.add(new B("id_5", 45, "89", "abc"));
data.add(new B("id_6", 45, "99", "abC"));
map.put("poolX", data);
return map;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String src = "select C, Y from poolX where X = 45 AND Y > '88' AND Z != 'abc';";
SelectLexer lexer = new SelectLexer(new ANTLRStringStream(src));
SelectParser parser = new SelectParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));
CommonTree tree = (CommonTree)parser.parse().getTree();
SelectWalker walker = new SelectWalker(new CommonTreeNodeStream(tree), getData());
List> result = walker.query();
If you now generate the lexer, parser and tree walker and run the Main class:
java -cp antlr-3.3.jar org.antlr.Tool Select.g
java -cp antlr-3.3.jar org.antlr.Tool SelectWalker.g
javac -cp antlr-3.3.jar *.java
java -cp .:antlr-3.3.jar Main
you will see that the output for the query:
select C, Y from poolX where X = 45 AND Y > '88' AND Z != 'abc';
with input:
"id_1" 345 "89" "abd"
"id_2" 45 "89" "abd"
"id_3" 1 "89" "abd"
"id_4 45 "8" "abd"
"id_5" 45 "89" "abc"
"id_6" 45 "99" "abC"
[id_2, 89]
[id_6, 99]
And note that if the where
statement is omitted, the expression 1 = 1
is automatically inserted, causing the query:
select C, Y from poolX;
to print the following:
[id_1, 89]
[id_2, 89]
[id_3, 89]
[id_4, 8]
[id_5, 89]
[id_6, 99]