My app would work very nicely on the new Amazon Kindle Fire, but it would be nice to test it and remove any kinks before they flood onto the market! Is there an emulator of the
Looks like Carl is Right and amazon dropped emulator's support - I was able to test on emulators about 6 months ago but now they are gone. However description link still exists(on time I'm writing this) - it describes the exact steps I was using to install emulator when it was available:
Installing Kindle Fire Device Dependencies
Take the following steps to install the software packages for Kindle Fire.
1. In Eclipse, on the Window menu, click Android SDK Manager. - or - On the command line, run the following command, where is the path to your Android SDK:
$ /tools/android
2. In the Android SDK Manager window, verify that SDK Path points to the path for your Android SDK. To modify the path, in Eclipse, on the Window menu, click Preferences, click Android, and then update the SDK Location. Note: In Mac OS X, these menu items are on the ADT menu instead of the Window menu.
3. In the Android SDK Manager window, on the Tools menu, click Manage Add-on Sites. Click the User Defined Sites tab, and then click New. Note: In Mac OS X, when the Android SDK Manager window is open, the Tools menu appears in the parent Eclipse window instead of the Android SDK Manager window.
4. In the Add Add-on Site URL dialog box, enter the following URL:
5. Click OK, and then click Close.
Wait for the Android SDK Manager to refresh, as indicated by the progress bar.
6. In the Android SDK Manager window, select the latest revision of each of the following packages.
Android SDK Tools (install the latest version)
Android SDK Platform-tools (install the latest version)
Android API versions later than 4.2.2 API 17:
Note: You can install and target SDK platform versions later than Android 4.2.2. However, regardless of the target SDK version you choose for your app, you need to verify that your app runs correctly on the Kindle Fire tablets.
Android 4.2.2 API 17:
SDK Platform
Android 4.0.3 API 15:
SDK Platform
Android 2.3.3 API 10:
SDK Platform
Kindle Fire USB Driver (not applicable for OS X)
Android Support Library
7. Click Install n packages.
8. In the Choose Packages to Install dialog box, accept the license agreements for the packages, and then click Install.
9. Wait for the packages to install, and then close the Android SDK Manager window after installation is complete.
10. Restart Eclipse.
After step 5 there also were additional options (this is also described here) under Extras which are now gone:
Amazon AVD Launcher
Kindle Fire Device Definitions
Kindle Fire USB Driver
Hope they'll return them back.