I\'ve just built a custom OpenERP module, let\'s say /addons/the_meaning_of_life
Now I want to translate it to another language.
I now I\'m supposed to have an i18
Here is a bash script that I use for this:
$ cat oerp-i18n-module
# usage:
# ./oerp-i18n-module
# the script will create or update PO files for en, fr, de and es. You
# will need to update the translations (and don't forget bzr add +
# commit)
dirname=$(find src -name $1 | egrep -v '(src/stable)|(src/server)')
install -d ${dirname}/i18n
for lang in en fr de es
python src/server/openerp-server -c config/instance_debug.ini \
--log-level=error --i18n-export=${lang}.po -l ${lang} \
-d $1 --modules=$2 > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ -f ${dirname}/i18n/${lang}.po ]
echo merge new translations in ${dirname}/i18n/${lang}.po
msgmerge -vU --backup=simple ${dirname}/i18n/${lang}.po ${lang}.po
rm ${lang}.po
echo put file in ${dirname}/i18n/${lang}.po
mv ${lang}.po ${dirname}/i18n/
Hope this helps (you may have to edit some paths which are specific to my layout of bzr branches).