I have an application that usually runs silent in the background, so I compile it with
go build -ldflags -H=windowsgui
To check
You can get the desired behavior without using -H=windowsgui; you'd basically create a standard app (with its own console window), and hide it until the program exits.
func Console(show bool) {
var getWin = syscall.NewLazyDLL("kernel32.dll").NewProc("GetConsoleWindow")
var showWin = syscall.NewLazyDLL("user32.dll").NewProc("ShowWindow")
hwnd, _, _ := getWin.Call()
if hwnd == 0 {
if show {
var SW_RESTORE uintptr = 9
showWin.Call(hwnd, SW_RESTORE)
} else {
var SW_HIDE uintptr = 0
showWin.Call(hwnd, SW_HIDE)
And then use it like this:
func main() {
defer Console(true)
fmt.Println("Hello World")