I am currently using JUnit 4 and have a need to divide my tests into groups that can be run selectively in any combination. I know TestNG has a feature to annotate tests to assi
First, you are addressing two problems - unit tests (often in the same package as the unit under test) and integration tests. I usually keep my integration tests in a separate package, something like com.example.project.tests. In eclipse, my projects look like:
Right-clicking on a package and selecting 'run' runs the tests in the package; doing the same on the source folder runs all the tests.
You can acheive a similar effect, although you expressed a disinterest in it, by using the Suite runner. However, this violates DRY - you have to keep copies of the test names up to date in the suite classes. However, you can easily put the same test in multiple suites.
@Suite.SuiteClasses( {
TestBeta.class })
public class GreekLetterUnitTests {
Of course, I really should be keeping these things automated. A good method for doing that is to use the Ant task.