What is the easiest way to get the title from the youtybe video , for example this video title :
Thanks !
This is a overhauled implementation of the original answer provided by @easement using the current v3 YouTube Data API.
In order to make a request to the API, you can use jQuery's getJSON() call to request the title from YouTube via AJAX. YouTube's v3 Data API provides 3 endpoints that can be used to get the title:
Sample Implementation using Snippet Title
var yt_api_key = {your YouTube api key},
yt_video_id = {your YouTube video id},
yt_snippet_endpoint = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet&id=" + yt_video_id + "&key=" + yt_api_key;
var jqxhr = $.getJSON(yt_snippet_endpoint)
.done(function(data) {
console.log("second success callback");
var title = getTitle(data);
// do something with title here
.fail(function() {
console.log("error, see network tab for response details");
function getTitle(snippet_json_data){
var title = snippet_json_data.title;
return title;
Debugging tip: You can use developer tools to view Network requests (i.e Chrome's developer tools or Firefox's Firebug) to make sure you requests/responses are coming back correctly and then use console.log() to log the returned data to make sure you parsed the response correctly.
Additional Reading: YouTube Data API "getting started"