I need to be able to chain an arbitrary number of sub-selects with UNION
using ActiveRelation.
I\'m a little confused by the ARel implementation of this, si
Because of the way the ARel visitor was generating the unions, I kept getting SQL errors while using Arel::Nodes::Union
. Looks like old-fashioned string interpolation was the only way to get this working.
I have a Shift model, and I want to get a collection of shifts for a given date range, limited to five shifts per day. This is a class method on the Shift model:
def limit_per_day(options = {})
options[:start] ||= Date.today
options[:stop] ||= Date.today.next_month
options[:per_day] ||= 5
queries = (options[:start]..options[:stop]).map do |day|
where{|s| s.scheduled_start >= day}.
where{|s| s.scheduled_start < day.tomorrow}.
end.map{|q| "( #{ q.to_sql } )" }
where %{"shifts"."id" in ( #{queries.join(' UNION ')} )}
(I am using Squeel in addition to ActiveRecord)
Having to resort to string-interpolation is annoying, but at least the user-provided parameters are being sanitized correctly. I would of course appreciate suggestions to make this cleaner.