I have created a signup form with a UIAlertController
and used the method addTextFieldWithConfigurationHandler
to add a text field. But there is a litt
I assume the jumping down of the UIAlertController is if it dismisses after you press 'return' on the keyboard. If so, I have found a way for the Alert and keyboard to dismiss smoothly from a return action.
You will need declare the UIAlertController within the class file
@property (strong, nonatomic) UIAlertController *alertController;
And you will also need to use the UITextFieldDelegate with the viewController When adding the textField to the UIAlertController this is where you will need to set the delegate of it to self. (weakSelf used as it is within a block)
@interface ViewController ()
Within the method you are auctioning the UIAlertController -
self.alertController = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:@"Alert" message:@"This is the message" preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyleAlert];
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
[self.alertController addTextFieldWithConfigurationHandler:^(UITextField *textField) {
textField.delegate = weakSelf;
[self presentViewController:self.alertController animated:YES completion:nil];
Add this UITextField delegate method which will fire once the return button has been pressed on the keyboard. This means you can action for the UIAlertController to dismiss just prior to the keyboard dismissing, thus it makes it all work smoothly.
-(BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField{
[self.alertController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
return YES;
I've tested this and should work exactly the way you require.
Thanks, Jim