I have multiple HorizontalScrollViews inside a ScrollView. Horizontal scroll isn\'t smooth at all. I have to scroll almost perfectly horizontal
While David's answer works, it has a downside. It passes ScrollView's MotionEvent object directly to HorizontalScrollView.onTouchEvent(), so if HorizontalScrollView or its children try to get the event coordinates, they will get the wrong coordinates which based on ScrollView.
My solution:
public class CustomScrollView extends ScrollView{
/*************skip initialization*************/
public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent e){
//returning false means ScrollView is not interested at any events,
//so ScrollView's onTouchEvent() won't be called,
//and all of the events will be passed to ScrollView's child
return false;
public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
//manually call ScrollView's onTouchEvent(),
//the vertical scrolling happens there.
//dispatch the event,
//ScrollView's child will have every event.
return super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev);
Just wrap this CustomScrollView around the HorizontalScrollView in your layout file.