Does anyone know of a .NET profiler which works with Azure to figure out code bottlenecks.
I have tried to integrate dotTrace profiler - but haven\'t had any success.
Azure Monitor lets you monitor your Azure-hosted applications in real-time. It includes a library for capturing runtime process information to cloud table storage; and also a desktop application for viewing the captured information in real-time:
Julien Brunet 'S "cloud4net" opensource project ( may interest you: it provides:
(*) you don't need to rewrite your azure storage calls using the cloud4net abstraction api - the call tracking works at the socket level. (**) based on azure US pricing info at this stage. still in progress.
If you intent to profile CPU usage that's something you could extract from azure performance diagnostics (perf counter data can be fetched to azure logs)
-Julien Brunet
Using the VS profiler to check for bottlenecks:
Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 1.1 (February 2010):