I tried to write a script that removes extra white spaces but I didn\'t manage to finish it.
Basically I want to transform abc sssd g g sdg gg gf
for in-place modification you can apply erase-remove technic:
int main()
std::string input {"asfa sas f f dgdgd dg ggg"};
bool prev_is_space = true;
input.erase(std::remove_if(input.begin(), input.end(), [&prev_is_space](unsigned char curr) {
bool r = std::isspace(curr) && prev_is_space;
prev_is_space = std::isspace(curr);
return r;
}), input.end());
std::cout << input << "\n";
So you first move all extra spaces to the end of the string and then truncate it.
The great advantage of C++ is that is universal enough to port your code to plain-c-static strings with only few modifications:
void erase(char * p) {
// note that this ony works good when initial array is allocated in the static array
// so we do not need to rearrange memory
*p = 0;
int main()
char input [] {"asfa sas f f dgdgd dg ggg"};
bool prev_is_space = true;
erase(std::remove_if(std::begin(input), std::end(input), [&prev_is_space](unsigned char curr) {
bool r = std::isspace(curr) && prev_is_space;
prev_is_space = std::isspace(curr);
return r;
std::cout << input << "\n";
Interesting enough remove
step here is string-representation independent. It will work with std::string
without modifications at all.