I have two obects, A & B for this discussion. I can join these objects (tables) via a common relationship or foreign key. I am using linq to do this join and I only want t
From the word "tables", it sounds like you are getting this data from a database. In which case; no: you can't do this. The closest you can do would to select the objects and the extra columns, and update the properties afterwards:
var qry = from objectA in GetObjectAs()
join objectB in GetObjectBs()
on objectA.Id equals objectB.AId
select new { A = objectA,
objectB.SomeProp, objectB.SomeOtherProp };
foreach(var item in qry) {
item.A.SomeProp = item.SomeProp;
item.A.SomeOtherProp = item.SomeOtherProp;
// perhaps "yield return item.A;" here
If you were doing LINQ-to-Objects, there are perhaps some hacky ways you could do it with fluent APIs - not pretty, though. (edit - like this other reply)