JSON Web Token expiration

前端 未结 4 1220
春和景丽 2021-02-05 10:54

On most of the JWT (JSON Web Token) tutorial (e.g: this and this) are saying, once validated you can use the incoming token to get client information without validating it from

  •  有刺的猬
    2021-02-05 11:27

    It's not clear which OAuth flow you are using from your question, or whether you are referring to OpenID Connect rather than Oauth.

    Consider using refresh tokens and have a much shorter expiration on your access token - e.g. 30 mins.

    In this scenario, the user (resource owner) doesn't have to keep authenticating, and your API (Resource Server) doesn't have to check the user is still valid on every single request.

    Once the access token expires, your client (application calling your API) should contact your DB (Authorisation Server) and exchange its refresh token for a new access token - and usually a new refresh token - providing the user is still a valid user on your DB and the user has not revoked access for the client application to his/her data on the API.

    You could also use token revocation as suggested in another answer if your Authorization Server allows it but I would try refresh tokens and short-lived access tokens as it's much easier to implement and doesn't pollute your API with user authentication/authorisation concerns - this job is best done by an Auth Server.
