I\'m new to android and I don\'t know a lot about android animation . I\'ve a viewflipper and I want to animate between images inside it . This is the code :
Simple using Kotlin.
First, set the animations:
private fun setAnimations() {
// in anim
val inAnim = AlphaAnimation(0f, 1f)
inAnim.duration = 600
flipperView.inAnimation = inAnim
// out anim
val outAnim = AlphaAnimation(1f, 0f)
outAnim.duration = 600
flipperView.outAnimation = outAnim
And to flip (between two views) just call this function:
fun onSendClick(view: View) {
viewFlipper.displayedChild = if(flipperView.displayedChild == 0) 1 else 0