Simple question really
./ runserver
Can I slow down localhost:8000
on my development machine so I can simulate file uploa
Use the slow file upload handler from django-gubbins:
import time
from django.core.files.uploadhandler import FileUploadHandler
class SlowFileUploadHandler(FileUploadHandler):
This is an implementation of the Django file upload handler which will
sleep between processing chunks in order to simulate a slow upload. This
is intended for development when creating features such as an AJAXy
file upload progress bar, as uploading to a local process is often too
def receive_data_chunk(self, raw_data, start):
return raw_data
def file_complete(self, file_size):
return None
You can either enable this globally, by adding it to:
Or enable it for a specific request:
request.upload_handlers.insert(0, SlowFileUploadHandler())
Make sure the request is excepted from CSRF checking, as mentioned at