I\'ve never actually used greasemonkey, but I was considering using it. Considering that GreaseMonkey allows you to let random people on the Internet change the behavior of your
Considering that GreaseMonkey allows you to let random people on the Internet change the behavior of your favorite websites
Random people whose UserScript you have installed. No one can force you to install a UserScript.
Can they steal my passwords?
Yes, a UserScript could modify a login page so it sent your password to an attacker. No, it cannot look at your current passwords, or for websites the UserScript isn't enabled for
Look at my private data?
Yes, if your private data is viewable on a website that you've given a UserScript access too
Do things I didn't want to do?
Yes, a UserScript could do things to a webpage (you've given it access to) that are unwanted
How safe is GreaseMonkey?
As safe as the individual UserScripts you have installed