In this very contrived example, I have an array with 3 elements that I\'m looping over using the .each() method.
var vals = $w(\'foo bar baz\');
vals.each( func
Your are correct, and Prototype has created an object ($break) that can be thrown from the each-function to enable this functionality. According to the Prototype API docs:
Regular loops can be short-circuited in JavaScript using the break and continue statements. However, when using iterator functions, your code is outside of the loop scope: the looping code happens behind the scene.
In order to provide you with equivalent (albeit less optimal) functionality, Prototype provides two global exception objects, $break and $continue. Throwing these is equivalent to using the corresponding native statement in a vanilla loop. These exceptions are properly caught internally by the each method.
Also, note that the $continue object has been deprecated, and to simulate a continue-statement, use a vanilla return statement instead.
Code example:
var result = [];
$R(1,10).each(function(n) {
if (0 == n % 2)
return; // this equals continue
if (n > 6)
throw $break;
// result -> [1, 3, 5]
You can read more about the each-function here: